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August 29, 2024 - October 3, 2024
Day 4 Thursday Fall 2024

Item details


August 29, 2024


PRODUCTION: Performance Troupe | 2nd-6th


Thursdays 4:30-6:30 PM | Aug 29-Dec 5 (SKIP Oct 31 & Nov 28)  | Jesse Siak & Chelsea LaCourse  | $240

Collaboration & Ensemble 

Creative Thinking & Problem Solving

Vocal and Physical Control & Expression

Critical Thinking & Ability to Verbalize & Demonstrate Thoughts & Ideas

Hands-On Learning

Homework & Memorization REQUIRED

Building on foundation skills acquired in SCCT Process or ONStage/3rd Stage classes, this class provides a chance to really hone performance skills for kids who are really committed to working independently. Students in this class should WANT to rehearse, be self-starting and eager to work at home to bring new ideas to class each week. Vocal projection and articulation should be automatic—we will hone this, but the student should be ready to speak and be heard. The class will work on a material for a live performance for family & friends in the final class.

This class will start working on Christmas themed poems, scenes & songs before Halloween! Along with the performance for friends and family on Dec 5 in the final class, we are hoping to craft a show we could take on tour to area retirement centers to make their Christmas merrier AND give these young performers (and possibly some older students added later) a chance to hone acting skills through several performances in front of public audiences.  We’re still working out the details for the tour portion, but it might be a sparkling way to start your holiday season!

We only accept students into these classes who have at minimum 1 full year of Process based classes at SCCT (more than 1 year is preferred).  All PRODUCTION level students need to have the same foundational knowledge so that class time can be spent honing previously acquired skills.  We will not have time to teach the terminology that should be working knowledge for a student at this level.

Before moving into a PRODUCTION level class, students should be able to: name the parts of the stage, use abbreviations for stage directions and blocking notation, be able to define basic theatrical terms, understand CROoWw, be familiar with Lessac energies and Laban qualities as well as wanting to be given more responsibilities/homework and be willing to repeat material weekly for rehearsal and complete reading assignments in a week. There are expectations of behavior, focus and attendance at the PRODUCTION level. Your current SCCT teacher is always the best reference for whether your child is ready to move up and you should email them regarding your child’s progression if you have questions.   

PRODUCTION level classes are NOT appropriate for everyone--they require…

  • CONSISTENT class attendance – tardiness/absenteeism will not be tolerated except in the event of contagious sickness, or another specific emergency and you must contact the teacher ASAP
  • Outside of class memorization and homework assignments
  • Focus, concentration in class and appropriate class behavior
  • Teamwork, collaboration, and support of other students
  • Commitment to planned performances
  • Students are expected to bring a notebook and pencil to every class

This class runs 2 weeks longer than most other classes and families are invited to attend a LIVE performance in the final class. You are welcome to record this performance as well. Please note this date on your calendar now!

The registration link will be sent to student’s who have been recommended for Production level. If you would like your child to be considered for this class, please email, Betsy Bisson, Education Director betsy@scchildrenstheatre **BY AUGUST 16, 2024** and include

  • The class you hope to enroll in – Name & Day of Week
  • Your child’s name
  • The classes/semesters your child has taken previously at SCCT
  • Their SCCT teaching artist’s name(s)

Please understand that if you respond after July 26, you will miss the early enrollment deadline on July 30 – it will take us a few days to receive info from your former teaching artists and discuss if the requested class is appropriate to enroll in or if there might be a better choice for your child this semester.

Please select a "1" to register in the block directly above STUDENT'S INFORMATION.

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