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July 29, 2024 9:00AM - July 29, 2024 6:30PM
Week 10 Summer 2024

Item details


July 29, 2024 9:30AM


Magical Creatures | Ages 3-6


July 29-Aug 2 | 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM | $180
Most suitable for children who have not yet entered 1st grade. However, an older sibling CAN enroll; they are likely to be the oldest child in the group and need to understand and be OK with that.

This enchanted camp is an opportunity for friendship to bloom.  Fairies, unicorns, dragons, and elves work together to make magic happen!

Designed to foster imagination, creativity, and social development in young children using dramatic play. Our dynamic drama class goes beyond traditional playtime, offering a unique blend of storytelling, role-playing, and interactive games designed to spark imagination and build confidence. Our curriculum seamlessly integrates educational elements, helping your child develop essential skills such as language, communication, and social interaction.
Through the magic of drama, they'll learn to express themselves in a supportive and engaging environment. This low-pressure experience will ease a child into comfortably being in front of people and expressing ideas to a group. Some theatre exercises and activities are used each session, but teachers are sensitive to the needs of returning students, so these camps are appropriate to take several times to further hone developing skills. The class aims to create a joyful and supportive environment where children can develop social, emotional, and cognitive skills through imaginative play.

This is an activity-based camp (as opposed to performance focused). We have discovered that young children don’t do well with repetitious rehearsals—it just isn’t fun! Teachers will still collect video moments of students participating in activities throughout the week and create a Video Week-Book to share with parents at the end (a Vimeo Link that you can share with distant family and download to keep forever), but the focus will not be spending hours just rehearsing for a show.  Camp will still include theatre skills and take our inspiration for exploration from the camp theme, but the goal will be to keep the children engaged and having fun rather than polishing for a performance.

All students must be able to use the bathroom completely by themselves as needed.  SCCT Teachers/Assistants will not change diapers or assist inside the bathroom stall with wiping or dressing.  We have discovered that very young kids who may not be familiar with public restrooms, benefit from their parent showing them, on the first day, how our self-flushing toilets work.
Students are asked to wear clothing they are comfortable moving in, shoes that stay on their feet and cover their toes, and to bring water bottles labelled with their name.
**Please provide a nut-free snack and beverage for your child.**
(It is fine to take the same “theme” more than once, since the activities will naturally change with each camp week, it will feel like a whole new experience for repeating students!)

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