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June 3, 2024 - June 3, 2024
Week 02 Summer 2024

Item details


June 3, 2024


Technical Theatre - Stage Crew Olympics | Ages 9-13 & 13-17


June 3-6 | 6:30 – 8:30 PM | $75

This camp meets Monday through Thursday – no class on Friday.

Do you know that we use our students as members of our run crew for ALL our productions! Every show you see has dedicated young people running the spotlights, handling the backstage set moves or prop handoffs, costume quick changes and sometimes even running the light board or body mics.  It’s a whole other world of theatre and no theatre can operate without it. This camp will help students get acquainted with the backstage world and run crew jobs and expectations. A chance to explore the backstage side of theatre and potentially get ready to work on one of our upcoming productions (not a requirement, but an option).

Students are asked to wear clothing they are comfortable moving in, shoes that stay on their feet, and to bring a water bottle labelled with their name. 

There will be no “sharing” video for parents.

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