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February 21, 2024 - February 21, 2024
Day 3 Wednesday Spring 2024

Item details


February 21, 2024


Process Acting | 1st-4th 


Wednesdays, Feb 21-May 1 (skip March 20) | 4:15 – 5:15 PM | Molly Grey Davis | $170

Collaboration & Ensemble and

Social-Emotional Learning

Vocal Control Articulation, Projection & Expression

Physical Control & Expression

Creative Thinking & Problem Solving

Some Memorization Required


Get a taste of stardom and explore the process of theatre training through high-energy theatre games, improvisation, and activities. Create characters, explore dramatic interpretation of classic stories, learn lingo, challenge your imagination, and hone projection and articulation skills while engaging the body in purposeful physical expression. Some at-home memorization required.

Studying acting can offer numerous benefits to a child's development, both personally and academically.

  • Communication Skills: Acting helps children develop strong verbal and non-verbal communication skills. They learn to express themselves clearly, use body language effectively, and articulate emotions.
  • Confidence Building: Performing can boost a child's self-confidence. Overcoming stage fright and receiving positive feedback can contribute to a sense of accomplishment (Instead of a live audience, we send parents a recording of the end of session performance to share with friends & family.)
  • Creativity and Imagination: Acting encourages creativity and imagination. Children learn to think outside the box, explore different perspectives, and develop a heightened sense of imagination, which can be valuable in various aspects of life.
  • Empathy and Emotional Intelligence: Through portraying different characters, children gain a better understanding of human emotions and different perspectives. This can enhance their empathy and emotional intelligence, improving their ability to relate to others.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Acting often involves working with others to solve problems, whether it's figuring out how to stage a scene or collaborating with fellow actors. This can enhance a child's teamwork and problem-solving skills.
  • Public Speaking Skills: Acting helps children become more comfortable with public speaking, an essential skill in many areas of life. Whether presenting in class or later in a professional setting, the ability to articulate thoughts and ideas effectively is valuable.
  • Discipline and Focus: Rehearsing a piece for performance requires discipline and focus. Children learn the importance of commitment, regular practice, and the value of hard work in achieving their goals.
  • Physical Expression: Acting involves using the body as a tool for expression. This can improve a child's physical coordination, awareness of body language, and overall physical expression.
  • Life Skills: Many of the skills learned in acting are transferable to other areas of life. Whether it's building confidence, developing strong communication skills, or learning to work effectively in a team, these skills can benefit a child in various personal and professional contexts.

Please note: progression through acting classes is not like progressing through grade levels of school.  Many children simply enjoy the kinesthetic learning and team building aspects of drama class. Your child should be enthusiastic about their participation and should only move to a higher-level class when they have mastered core components and are seeking further challenge. In general, we suggest a minimum of two full years of Process level classes before moving to Intermediate level classes.  Students should be able to: name the parts of the stage, use abbreviations for stage directions, be able to define basic theatrical terms, understand CROoWw, be familiar with Lessac energies and Laban qualities as well as wanting to be given more outside responsibilities/homework and be willing to repeat material weekly for rehearsal. Your current SCCT teacher is always the best reference for whether your child is ready to move up and you should email them regarding your child’s progression if you have questions.

We will record the end-of-semester “sharing” for all classes and send parent’s the video link.

**We DO meet when Greenville County Schools are off for Teacher Workdays or Holidays, but will skip all classes during the Greenville County Schools Spring Break week, March 18-22, 2024.**

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