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September 14, 2023 3:00PM - September 14, 2023 6:45PM
Day 4 Thursday Fall 2023

Item details


September 14, 2023 5:30PM


Musical Theatre – Contemporary Broadway | 5th-10th  


Thursdays, Sept 14-Nov 16 | 5:30 – 6:30 PM | Chelsea LaCourse & Jessica Smith | $180

Vocal Control Articulation, Projection & Expression

Physical Control & Expression

Collaboration & Ensemble

Some Memorization Required


Musical theatre training for performance—you don’t have to read music but should enjoy singing and basic dance. Learning very basic music terminology and basic movement/staging for a song, will help youngsters feel more comfortable at a musical audition. The class will focus on ensemble musical theatre material taking our inspiration from the music of BROADWAY CONTEMPORARY hits – Six, Moulin Rouge, Hadestown, Waitress and the like. All selected material will be appropriate for this age group.

We will record the end-of-semester “sharing” for all classes and send parent’s the video link.

**We DO meet when Greenville County Schools are off for Teacher Workdays or Holidays.**

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