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January 12, 2023


3rd Stage – Production | K5-5th 


Thursdays, Jan 5-May 27 (skip March 23) | 5:00 – 6:30 PM | Traysie Amick & Molly Grey Davis | $250

For anyone who is not a veteran parent of 3rd Stage, please watch this Informational Video BEFORE signing up to audition to determine if 3rd Stage is right for your child and to understand the commitment expectations and goals of the class. It also reviews what students can expect in the audition and how to fill out the audition form that you need to bring TO the audition on either Wednesday, January 4 or Thursday, January 5 from 5-6:30pm, as well as what tech week entails (May 20-25) and performance expectations (May 26 & 27).

MANDATORY Auditions for ALL please select one

Wednesday, January 4 from 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Thursday, January 5 from 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

You must click the link above to sign up online to receive an audition spot, please also bring a non-returnable photo to the audition and be prepared to list all conflicts with the class schedule (listed below).

The audition will consist of a short test-drive type class in which students will be guided through introductory acting exercises that will include following directions, stage areas, vocal projection and characterization. No reading is involved for this audition.  All auditionees will need to bring a non-returnable photo, and fill out an audition form with schedule conflicts noted – just like a regular MainStage audition. You will indicate on the audition form your preference for class day of week (Wednesday or Thursday or Either).  This less stressful way of auditioning gives the director a better understanding of how actors work together and take direction.  Actors who are ready will then be invited to take the class as a pre-cast participant.

Cast list will be announced by Sunday, January 8 and those students who are not cast will still be able to enroll in another Winter and/or Spring class.

Class Info 3rd Stage is an opportunity for experienced younger actors to realize the hard work that goes into being “up there.”  Stories are adapted for a fully produced weekend run.  The age range allows elementary aged students to tackle character roles while younger actors create an ensemble experience.  Tuition is $250– payable after casting is announced.  Students embark on the rehearsal process creating characters and making acting choices guided by the director, Traysie Amick and the assistant director, either Lauren Wilson Stewart or Molly Grey Davis. In addition, they will see young artists (3rd Stage Mentors) take on backstage and production roles, discover techniques and activities that are useful during “down-time” at rehearsal, and build a group of kindred partners with one objective: tell a great story!

Parents also have the opportunity to see how a child handles a heavier schedule and workload.  They become familiar with new theatre jargon and get an inside look at the demands and expectations of “tech rehearsals.”  Everybody learns!

We ask that students have completed at least 3 classes of theatre instruction.  At least one of these needs to be Exploration or Process Acting from SCCT. Students who are cast will need to attend class consistently—absences and tardies are strongly discouraged as it impacts the whole class! It is wise to check with leaders of other extra-curricular activities and in-school groups to make sure that they can share possible conflicts with you before the audition and are also aware of the dates and times of this commitment. Students should bring a notebook and pencil to every class.

WEDNESDAY ENSEMBLE – meets every Wednesday January 4-May 27 (skip day on March 22)

THURSDAY ENSEMBLE – meets every Thursday January 5-May 27 (skip day on March 23)


SATURDAY, May 20          9:30 AM-12:30 PM                    TECH Mandatory Attendance   

MONDAY, May 22             4:45-6:45 PM                             TECH Mandatory Attendance   

TUESDAY, May 23             4:45-6:45 PM                             TECH Mandatory Attendance   

WEDNESDAY, May 24       4:45-6:45 PM                             TECH Mandatory Attendance   

THURSDAY, May 25          4:45-6:45 PM                             TECH Mandatory Attendance   

FRIDAY, May 26                4:45PM                                      5:30 PM SHOW 

SATURDAY, May 27          10:15 AM- Late Afternoon         11 AM, 1 PM, 2:30 PM SHOWS

3rd Stage Mentors/Tech Crew for Grades 5-12 – please contact Traysie Amick if you are interested in assisting this class each week all the way through the performances.  Mentors come 30 minutes prior to the actual class time (so 4:30 on either Wed or Thur) to help prepare material for the class start at 5pm.  You will act as a mentor to the younger students during the rehearsal process (help with writing down blocking, developing character, rehearsing lines, etc) and become the full run crew for the tech rehearsals and performances.  There is no cost for this learning experience, but YOU MUST BE AVAILABLE TO COMMIT TO THE WHOLE SEMESTER with minimal expected absences (none allowed during tech/performances).  (Studio B students -- mentoring covers your class assisting AND tech hours requirements for the semester.)

Registration opens --- AFTER Auditions & Casting on Jan 4 & 5, 2023

Registration opens AFTER auditions on Jan 4 & 5

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